Learn from industry experts with over 20 years of real-world experience. Our courses focus on practical skills that employers demand.
Explore Courses View CurriculumComprehensive Java programming from basics to advanced topics, including latest Java 21 features.
Master the Unix command line and essential developer tools used in modern development.
Start with Java fundamentals and core programming concepts. Build a strong base for your development career.
Master Unix tools and command line interfaces essential for modern software development.
Apply your knowledge to real-world projects and learn advanced development techniques.
Software Developer & Architect with 20+ years of experience
Terry has worked as a software developer, architect & director for some of the largest corporations in the world, spanning industries from Finance to Aerospace and Cloud Services.
4.7 out of 5
"The Java course was exactly what I needed to transition into software development. The practical examples and clear explanations made complex concepts easy to understand."
"The Unix course helped me understand the command line interface deeply. Now I'm much more confident working with Linux servers and development tools."
"The combination of Java and Unix skills has been invaluable. The instructor's real-world experience makes the content relevant and practical."
Join thousands of successful developers who have transformed their careers with our courses.
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